The Dangers of Holiday Travel

The Dangers of Holiday Travel

By Debi Rideout

Let’s face it. There are many dangers of holiday travel. It is not easy to travel during the holidays no matter what type of transportation you take to get to your destination. If you are traveling you have to be careful during the holidays. Use these travel tips to help you avoid the perils of holiday travel.


No matter what type of transportation you use this holiday season expect there to be overcrowding. So be careful and be prepared for it. If you are taking a plane this holiday season make sure you are on time to the airport, and that your tickets are booked right. Many flights are overbooked. You do not want to be bumped to the next flight. There will be overcrowding everywhere. There will be overcrowding in the streets if you are driving to your holiday destination, and on any lines that are formed for holiday travel like airports and train stations.

Angry People

If you are traveling this holiday season, then expect to encounter some angry people. People get really stressed out during the holidays. For example, you will see some pretty inpatient people waiting on long lines for holiday travel. Angry people tend to get loud and confrontational. Try to be as patient as possible. Be patient while driving when the roads are completely a mess with traffic. Also be patient when dealing with others because patience is the best tip for holiday travel safety.


One of the perils of holiday travel is time. There never seems like there is enough time to get to your holiday destination. So try to leave yourself extra time to make your journey. If you realize that because of the holiday’s time might be an issue, your trip will probably go better. So plan ahead. Add in extra time for your holiday travel.

Drinking and Driving

It is the holiday season. That means be prepared for holiday drinkers especially while driving on the roads. You need to be very alert when in a car whether you are the one driving or just a passenger. Plus, make sure you do not drink and drive yourself. If you plan to indulge in some holiday spirits, then do not be on the roads at all. Drinking and driving can cause many accidents and even cause death.

Accidents/Breaking Down

If you are driving a car for your holiday travel, you need to be really cautious. You will probably see an accident on the road, or you may even be involved in one especially if you have a long journey to take. Plus, your car could even break down during your holiday travel. Make sure you take your car in for a check-up before going on your holiday trip. Have an emergency kit in your car, and that you have a fully charged cell phone so that you can make calls if you need too. Let people know which route you will be taking to reach your holiday destination. There are many perils of holiday travel, but if you plan ahead it may make your holiday travel a safer and happier one.